23 April 2009 - The first recorded
Had a dream about Neverwinter nights, about playing my druid and walking through the forests north of the glade. I went with a fellow druid, one of the Initiated to walk there. We went through one of the secret passages only this time there was a Mage’s tower in this new area. Oddly enough however I have had this dream before, but what differs is what is at the end of the secret area (In this case, it was the mages tower). What remains the same are the hulking monsters on the path there. They are not in the actual game, likely a figment of my imagination.
I warned the fellow druid of them, but by this time he had to go AFK in my dream for the toilet. Not much else happened after that. My druid walked a bit further ahead, encountering nothing. The dream soon ended as the other druid came back.
Likely since I’m living with my dad now, that I miss playing Neverwinter nights online (Since he does not have internet, so I have the dream to compensate for my loss of time playing? What I cannot figure out is that I’ve had this dream before, in an area that does not exist with monsters that do not exist.
Just a guy I found unbelievebly cute.

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